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Huntington Auto Accident Lawyer

The Huntington auto accident attorneys of Salango Law, PLLC have extensive experience securing the compensation injured parties deserve. Truck and car collisions wreak havoc on the lives of families every day. When those collisions are caused by careless drivers, Salango Law, PLLC is here to hold them accountable. 

If you or a loved one has sustained injuries resulting from a negligent driver, call our esteemed personal injury attorneys at Salango Law, PLLC, today. You can contact us online or by calling (304) 342-0512.

Choose Salango Law, PLLC

Salango Law, PLLC is an accomplished personal injury firm. Our dedicated Huntington auto accident lawyers have a track record of success and recognition as top litigators in their field;

  • Our personal injury team has received over $150 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients.
  • Attorney Ben Salango has been rated as one of the “Best Lawyers in America” for ten consecutive years for personal injury litigation and medical malpractice.
  • He has also been selected as “Lawyer of the Year” by Best Lawyers in America in 2019 and 2021.

Why You Need a Huntington Auto Accident Attorney by Your Side

In many cases, accident victims underestimate how much the pain from their injuries and recovery will affect their lives. Traffic collisions are traumatic. The most important step to take after an auto accident is to obtain experienced representation so you can focus on your health. 

At Salango Law, PLLC, our Huntington auto accident lawyers will protect your best interests by;

  • Investigating your claim to determine liability
  • Calculating economic damages and placing a value on non-economic damages, like pain and suffering, to determine the compensation you deserve
  • Preparing and filing the extensive paperwork, assembling all supporting documents and medical records, and gathering any critical evidence 
  • Negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf 
  • If a fair settlement cannot be reached, Salango Law, PLLC will represent your rights at trial.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a traffic collision, it is important to look after yourself and your family. Insurance companies are motivated to minimize any payouts and routinely employ underhanded tactics to settle for less than you deserve. Our expert negotiators will protect your rights and help you move on from this tragic accident. Call today. 

What Are the Common Injuries Associated With Car and Truck Accidents?

The devastating consequences and traffic collisions can lead to long-term health problems and temporary or permanent disability. In the last reporting year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported;

  • 42,060 people died in car and truck accidents
  • Car accident fatalities rose 4.6% in the first 9 months
  • Large truck fatalities increased by 36% for the year
  • Vehicle miles traveled, however, dropped 14.5%
  • 4,795,000 were reportedly injured in car and truck accidents

Common injuries include;

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Burns
  • Internal organ damage or bleeding
  • Broken bones, fractures, and dislocations
  • Limb loss and amputation
  • Disfiguring facial injuries and scars
  • Crush injuries
  • Lacerations

Salango Law, PLLC Will Protect Your Rights 

Our Huntington auto accident attorneys will fight for the compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to a driver’s negligence, call Salango Law, PLLC, today and schedule a free evaluation of your case. You may be entitled to recover;

  • Full compensation for your medical expenses related to your injuries
  • Lost wages if you are unable to work
  • Loss of future income
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages

Contact Salango Law, PLLC today and schedule your free consultation online or by calling (304) 342-0512.