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What should I do following a motor vehicle accident?

After being involved in a motor vehicle accident, the at fault party’s insurance company quickly acts to try and ruin any claim you may have. In order to prevent this, it is imperative that you preserve any and all evidence right away. Important evidence to collect and/or preserve are: police investigation reports, accident site photos (including photos of the vehicles involved/skid marks/pavement damage, etc.), witness interviews as well as your medical records.

Following a motor vehicle accident, if you are not critically injured, be sure to take pictures of the accident scene to capture the conditions of the roadway, any injuries you may have sustained and the vehicles involved in the accident. Also, obtain any names and contact information of any victims, at-fault drivers and witnesses. In addition, write down everything you remember about the accident while the details are still fresh in your mind.

As you begin to recover from the accident, additional evidence will continue to accumulate. Evidence that establishes the extent of the injuries you sustained and the ongoing impact the other driver’s negligence has had on your life will be useful to your case. Be sure to collect and maintain all of your medical records, medical bills and correspondence that stems from your accident. In addition, if you missed work as a result of your injuries sustained in the motor vehicle accident, maintain pay stubs or a letter from your employer establishing any lost wages you acquired. Moreover, it can also be helpful to keep a notebook detailing your injuries and the impact it has had on your life.

If you or your loved one has recently been in a motor vehicle accident, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. The skilled personal injury attorneys at Salango Law have experience representing numerous clients involved in motor vehicle accidents. We understand how to navigate our client’s case through the legal system to increase the chances of a full and fair recovery. Call Toll-Free at 304-342-0512 to schedule a free consultation with a dedicated and experienced personal injury attorney today.