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Charleston, WV Personal Injury Attorney

For society to function in an orderly manner, people need to act with a certain amount of responsibility not only for themselves but for others. Laws are in place to assure that as people go about their business they look out for each other so that everyone can remain safe from unreasonable dangers. When people fail to act in a reasonable manner and someone gets hurt as a result, personal injury law says that the injured party may be compensated by the party that caused the injury.

Most injuries people experience are not intended by those who inflict them. Accidents will happen. Insurance is the primary way people cover themselves in case they become responsible for injuries to others. Most personal injury claims initially start with an insurance company. If a settlement can be reached with the insurance company, the claim ends there. If a settlement cannot be reached then a lawsuit may be filed and a jury will resolve the matter between the perpetrator and the injury victims. It is preferable to settle a claim prior to going to court and most claims are settled before trial. Having the right attorney on your side can help your claim settle faster and with better results.

At Salango Law, PLLC, our Charleston experienced personal injury attorneys are trusted advocates for those who have been injured and need help seeking compensation and your legal options. We represent clients in West Virginia with over 50 years of collective legal representation.

Verdicts & Settlements We’ve Recovered

Below are case results from personal injury cases we’ve litigated in the past:

  • $17M settlement in a multi-plaintiff personal injury case
  • $12.5M settlement in a multi-plaintiff personal injury case
  • $5M settlement in a personal injury abuse case

You can see more of our past verdicts & settlements here.

Why Salango Law Is the Best Choice to Handle Your Personal Injury Claim

Our law firm has built our reputation on serving our community and being excellent at what we do.

  • We are committed to getting you what you want – we understand your situation is unique and we take our responsibility to you seriously
  • You always get our best efforts – we will use every resource available to get you the absolute best outcome
  • We’ve been very successful on behalf of our clients – we have been able to collect over $100,000,000 on behalf of our clients

Charleston Personal Injury Resources & FAQs

How a Charleston Personal Injury Attorney Will Help You Get the Best Recovery

Generally speaking, the more serious your accident and injuries, the greater your need for the expertise of an attorney to make sure you receive fair compensation for all of your losses. A law firm experienced in handling the type of personal injury that you have suffered will know how that injury is likely to affect you and the kinds of compensation you are entitled to. A personal injury attorney is familiar with insurance contracts and the settlement process and will be able to effectively negotiate with insurance companies to get you greater benefits. 

Charleston, West Virginia personal injury lawyers

Types of Personal Injury Claims in West Virginia

Personal injuries in West Virginia are similar to those that occur elsewhere. Injuries result from motor vehicle accidents, failed medical treatments, workplace mishaps, and when those entrusted with the responsibility to care for vulnerable persons fail to protect them. One injury exposure somewhat unique to West Virginia is the state’s coal mining industry.  West Virginia produces more coal from underground sources than any other state. Coal mining is dangerous work and injuries that occur can be severe. 

Salango Law is an injury law firm that represents clients injured in certain types of accidents and who have experienced specific kinds of serious injuries.

Accident type:

Specific Injury:

When to Make Your Charleston Personal Injury Claim

For almost all types of injury claims, there is a specific time period you have in which to make your claim. It is important to consult an accident attorney so that you know the timeframe you have to exercise your rights. Most personal injury claims must be made within 2 years of the date the injuries occurred or were discovered.

You Can Still Recover if You Have Some Responsibility for Your Injuries

In West Virginia, if your responsibility for causing your injuries is 50% or less, you may recover the percentage of your losses that you did not cause. If you or your loved one is 25% at fault, you may be compensated for 75% of your injuries. A good law firm will help you minimize any responsibility you might have for causing your injuries so your recovery is as large as possible. 

Compensation Available In a Charleston Personal Injury Case

You are allowed to be compensated for both the economic and non-economic consequences of your injuries. Economic compensation will be for specific amounts that have to be paid or that can be calculated with reasonable certainty. Non-economic damages are to compensate you for the unfortunate experience of being injured and how it has and will affect you. You may receive punitive damages not to compensate you but to punish the person who injured you.

Economic damages:

  • Medical expenses – including future
  • Lost wages/income – including future
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages:

  • Pain & suffering 
  • Mental anguish
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Loss of ability to contribute to a close personal relationship

In Charleston medical malpractice cases, non-economic damages are limited to $250,000 except when death or permanent injury occurs, the cap is $500,000 – adjusted for inflation.

Punitive damages:

Punitive damages can be awarded by a court and only in an injury case when the person responsible for causing your injuries has acted particularly badly – with an intention more evil than simply making an error in judgment. If punitive damages are awarded they are limited to 4 times the amount of the other damages you were awarded or $500,000 – whichever is greater.

How is Fault Determined in These Claims?

Determining fault after an injury occurs can be challenging, but the number one step is to gather as much evidence as possible. No two personal injury cases are exactly alike, and the types of evidence used to determine liability will vary depending on each particular situation. For example, the types of evidence needed to prove fault after a vehicle accident in Charleston, West Virginia, will look entirely different from the types of evidence needed to prove a slip and fall claim.

At Salango Law, PLLC, our team has extensive experience gathering the evidence needed to prove liability to insurance carriers or to a jury. This can include:

  • Photographs taken at the scene of an incident
  • Video surveillance of the injury incident
  • Statements from any eyewitnesses
  • Police or accident reports
  • Vehicle “black box” data
  • Mobile device data
  • Company safety records
  • Company training records
  • Driver history records 
  • Vehicle inspection records

The entire goal of a personal injury case is to show that the other party (the defendant) was negligent in some way and that this negligence caused the injury. If necessary, an attorney will work with trusted investigators and accident reconstruction experts who can help determine fault in these cases.

Steps to Take After an Injury Occurs

There are various steps that you can take right after an injury occurs to help ensure that you have the best chance of recovering maximum compensation for your losses. This includes:

  1. Seeking medical care. You need to go to a doctor as soon as possible. Not only will this help ensure your well-being, but establishing a solid link between the injury and the incident is crucial for insurance carriers and a jury to see.
  2. Reporting the incident. Depending on the situation, you need to report the incident to the appropriate authorities. This could include property owners for premises liability claims or the police for vehicle accidents.
  3. Gathering evidence. If you are able to do so at the scene of an incident, you can begin gathering as much evidence as possible. We always suggest using a phone to take photographs of everything you see, including damages, injuries, causes of the injury, and more. If there were any eyewitnesses, please get their names and contact information.
  4. Calling an attorney. If you think your injury was caused by the negligence of another party, reach out to a skilled personal injury attorney in Charleston as soon as possible. An attorney can step in and get to work gathering all evidence and contacting other parties.
  5. Contacting an insurance carrier. If there is an insurance claim to be made, you need to at least report the incident to the insurance carrier within a day. You do not have to go into much detail when it comes to these initial claims, but they do need to know the incident occurred.
  6. Continuing medical care. We recommend that you continue all medical care until a doctor says you have reached maximum medical improvement. Discontinuing care could jeopardize your claim. Remember to keep record of all medical bills.

We understand that following all these steps in this exact order may not be possible in the immediate aftermath of a serious injury occurring. However, we encourage you to complete as many of these steps as possible and as promptly as possible to help ensure that you recover full compensation for your losses.

Time Limit for Filing a Personal Injury Claim in Charleston

It is very important that you file your personal injury claim as soon as possible. Overall, the statute of limitations in West Virginia is two years from the date an injury occurs. Failing to file a lawsuit within this two-year timeframe will likely result in you being unable to recover the compensation you are entitled to.

For personal injury claims involving insurance carriers, you must file your claim with the carrier as soon as possible. For example, vehicle insurance carriers typically have mandatory reporting deadlines, often within a day or two after the accident occurs. Failing to file a claim with the insurance carrier quickly could result in a claim delay or denial.

Will Your Charleston Personal Injury Claim go to Trial?

The vast majority of personal injury claims are resolved through settlements with insurance carriers in Charleston, West Virginia. If your case is resolved through an insurance settlement, this means that you will not have to go to trial. However, if the insurance carriers or at-fault party involved in the case refuse to offer a fair settlement or if they deny the claim altogether, then it may be necessary to file an injury lawsuit in civil court.

When a personal injury lawsuit gets filed, this officially enters the court system but does not necessarily mean that your case will go to trial. There is an extensive process involved in these claims before a case reaches that point. In fact, most personal injury lawsuits that get filed are still resolved before they go before a jury. However, the time frame for how long it takes to resolve these claims will increase when a lawsuit gets filed. We strongly suggest that you work with your personal injury lawyer in Charleston who can help walk you through the benefits of settling a claim versus the benefits of filing a personal injury lawsuit. There is always a balance that has to be taken between expediency and the desire to secure maximum compensation for your losses.

Affording a Personal Injury Lawyer in Charleston

Affording a personal injury attorney can seem like a daunting task, but the team at Salango Law, PLLC has your back. We handle Charleston, West Virginia, personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that our clients will not have to worry about paying any legal fees until after we recover the compensation they need. There will be no upfront or out-of-pocket costs to contend with as you work to hold the at-fault party responsible for their actions.

Client Testimonials

Testimonial Stars

“The most professional law firm I have had the pleasure of dealing with. They answered all my questions and were very responsive. They talk to you in a manner as if they had known you for 25 years. I would recommend them to anyone seeking an attorney.”


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“My experience was very positive. These people work tirelessly and are honest and very personable. They also get things done quickly. I was expecting my issue to last several years instead it was just a few months. I hope I don’t ever have to but I would definitely use them again.”


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“This is where you want to have your personal or work related business done. They are professional, intelligent, happy to help, and easy to work with. They are highly knowledgeable and always are eager to help you. Best Law Firm!”


Contact Our Charleston Personal Injury Lawyers

If you are looking for help making a claim for a personal injury you have suffered, Salango Law, PLLC is ready to assist. Our Charleston personal injury lawyers are compassionate counselors and ruthless advocates. We are the partner you can trust during this difficult time to protect your rights and pursue the best possible recovery for your injuries. We invite you to schedule a free consultation to discuss your claim with one of our experienced attorneys. Click here to contact us for legal advice or call us at (304) 342-0512.

Neighborhoods We Serve

Kanawha City | South Hills | North Charleston | South CharlestonCapitol Street | Edgewood | Fort Hill | Oakwood | Forest Hills | Hillsdale | Dunbar | West Side | Spring Hill | Davis Creek

Our Charleston office is located at 206 Capitol St #300, Charleston, WV 25301. Click here for driving directions.